Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Hello Everyone!

I have wanted to start a blog for a while now, and what better time then before the start of a new year? A little about me:
My name is Sarah. I'm a senior at UC Davis. I love to bake.

I am creating this blog to share my recipes and life that seems to revolve around food. Most of the things I cook/bake are vegan. Now, I am in no way a vegan, but I am lactose-intolerant and it is sometimes easier to bake this way (because it already omits dairy). However, my boyfriend is vegan so he gets the benefit of always being my taste tester :) I love finding delicious recipes and making them vegan. I know that "vegan" food scares some people, but I promise I never use any strange ingredients and people really can't tell the difference!

I named my blog Mangia Dolce because it translates literally to "Eat Sweet." I believe that food should always be enjoyable, and what's better than sweets? I also have an unhealthy addiction to chocolate, so don't be surprised if it pops up frequently in my recipes. But really, who doesn't love chocolate?

Thanks for reading, whoever you might be, and be on the lookout for some delicious recipes! :)

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